Happy New 2021!!!

Dear Friends,

We are saying farewell to 2020 - what a year it's been! We've learnt a lot, overcame a lot, and looking back we are thankful for every experience and for every one of you that came along with us on this journey. We are looking forward to the next year, we wish all of you and your close ones a healthy and peaceful 2021. Stick together for the next wild adventure this New Year brings.

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This moment was captured behind the scenes of the GEO video shoot. We think it pretty well reflects the passing 2020 - muddy, cold, wet, challenging, leaving us drenched.... but not defeated! There's both " Well, that was "fun"..." and "Bring it, 2021, we are still riding!"

Let us always move forward.

Here's to new hope, new trails and new rides!

Happy New Year from all of us at Ural!