Join Jamie Robinson and his family in this MotoGeo video as they embark on a road trip together. They ride our 2WD Gear Up in Rainier White and test its capabilities on and off road while camping, exploring and scrambling in the California hills.
MotoGeo creates inspirational motorcycle travel stories, spearheaded by ex-motorcycle racer, Jamie Robinson, and his wife Ely. He’s used to two-wheeled adventures, often solitary trips, so the Ural has really opened him up to the possibility of a motorcycle experience with both wife and son.
This Video was shot in and around the santa monica mountains.
Three up on three wheels
“The Ural is a fun and different way of getting around.”
As you can see in the vid, the sidecar motorcycle is quite utilitarian, a good errand-running machine. But, it’s always ready for a family sidecar adventure! If you want to learn more about our models, check out our 1WD rig here on the cT page or visit the Gear Up page for the 2WD version as featured in this video.
In the pic above, Ely sits in the sidecar, Jamie is the pilot, and their son is sitting on the rear of the Ural’s bench seat. To follow more of the Robinson’s adventures, tune in to