Love this happy pic by @mnnthbx.
Our inaugural International Ural Ride Day was a great success and we’re already looking forward to next year! We are grateful for the Ural community who gave rides to hundreds upon hundreds of passengers across the globe. Thank you to all who shared the joy of sidecar life on this special #sharethechair day!
Now, on to the award-winners! Some of these were difficult to choose since all of the participants are winners in our book. Keep scrolling down to see even more pictures of participants sharing the chair.
Superhero Award
The award for most rides given goes to Bear Campbell from Coarsegold, California with 52 passengers on his Ural cT! Congrats, Bear!
Top Scorer Award
Ural rider, Robin Weber, from the Northwest Territories in Canada is one of our Top Scorers, logging 48 points (just shy of Bear’s total) on a Tourist.
Funky Passenger Award
Appropriately captioned, “Superhero and his sidecar” this Goldendoodle and his owner, Graham Kier, really earned this award.
People’s Choice Award
$100 Ural Shop Gift Card: We love that Alma Villalobos of the Chicagoland area was able to provide her son with the joy of riding in a Ural cT sidecar in this #sharethechair moment...and so did the commenters on her Instagram.
Best #sharethechair Story Award
$100 Ural Shop Gift Card: Sure, it started off rainy in Peoria, IL, but that didn’t stop Jake Pitman from setting out to share the chair with a diverse group of passengers. From dogs to kids to people in service to their country and more, this is what riding a Ural is all about!
There were so many great pictures of smiling people in sidecars that we’re not going to be able to show them all! Here is a sampling of photos that we hope inspire others to #sharethechair next year.
Had a great day!!! Started out with neighbors and friends and branched out to firemen, EMTs & an unexpecting family leaving McD’s.
Joe Kint, Davenport, IA - 28 passengers
This was so much fun! I can't wait to give even more rides for next year's event!
–Ural rider in New York who gave rides to 18 passengers
Share the chair is what the Ural is all about, great fun was had by all.
Brian Reynolds, Rapid City, Manitoba, Canada
Blair Reyburn from Apple Valley, MN
Patricia Alonso, Jersey City, NJ
Doug Davis, Basehor, KS
This was fun! Thanks. My only concern is that we're 1 year away from the next Ural Ride Day!
– Roque Lopez, San Francisco, CA - 19 passengers
We had a great time. Even a 13 year old wants to by her first Ural when she turns 17. We are starting them young and keeping them feeling young here.
– Geoffrey Jay, Sugar Creek, Missouri - Gear Up - 37 passengers
These are the kinds of smiles that keep us smiling here at Ural! Photos by Jessy Johnston, who gave 45 rides on International Ural Ride Day!
Ural rider Cameron Anderson knows how to share the chair! He gave rides to a whopping 46 passengers in Sioux Falls, SD on his Ural Gear Up.
We’re already looking forward to seeing your pics and stories during the 2019 International Ural Ride Day. In the meantime, we hope you all #sharethechair with your friends, family and maybe even a few strangers!